Fresh juices and vegetarian meals in the Gerson Therapy
Dr. Gerson gave seriously ill patients fresh juice every hour, freshly pressed, organic, free of poisons, rich in the best nutrients, minerals and enzymes. It is all described in Dr. Gerson's book "A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer ". "We give a fresh glass of juice every hour: five glasses of apple-carrot juice, three glasses of plain carrot juice and we give liver capsules with it, four glasses of juice from leafy type greens rich in chlorophyll, iron, nutrients, enzymes, everything the body has been lacking over the years.We also give three full vegetarian meals and a fruit plate every day. By drinking the juice, you get an enormous flooding of nutrients, minerals, enzymes, and vitamins which start to flush out the kidneys. The nutrients go into the tissues, into the cells and force out the poisons, and all those poisons are released into the blood stream. The liver filters them out. You have to help the liver get rid of them, and there is only one way - by opening the bile ducts", and Dr. Gerson did this with the famous and much joked about coffee enemas which is the key to successful treatment.